Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hillary knows what's best for you

Hillary Clinton is wasting no time retooling her campaign after the departure of longtime strategist Mark Penn: She's already developed a new campaign slogan.

In this Washington Post story about how Hillary Clinton "often veers to the dark side" while relaying issue-related anecdotes on the campaign trail, reporter Anne E. Komblut describes how Clinton incorporated an event at one of her rallies into her stump speech:

Shortly before the Texas primary, Clinton spoke of a mother whose daughter collapsed in the crowd at a Houston rally and who, upon receiving a bottle of water from the candidate, whispered in her ear that she could not get her daughter medical treatment.

"She said, 'I don't have any health insurance -- I can't take her anywhere,'" Clinton recalled a few stops later. She said it was people like that who need for her to be president. "I'm not asking you to vote for me so much as I'm asking you to vote for yourselves," she said.
Goodbye, old campaign slogans, "Help make history" and "Hillary: The Smart Choice!" Hello, new slogan: "Vote Hillary -- It's for your own good." Trust Hillary. After all, she knows what's best for you.

(This message is brought to you in part by the National Association to Promote the Use of Sarcasm, of which I am a charter member.)