So what were we just talking about regarding John McCain's London fundraiser?
Foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly ... doesn't it just look bad for Mr. Campaign Finance Reform to be raising money overseas? After all, those Americans living in England -- or anywhere else abroad, for that matter -- who support McCain can certainly donate online ...Well, what do you know? There's word tonight that the governor of Puerto Rico is accused in an indictment of soliciting thousands of dollars in improper contributions in exchange for favors and government contracts on the U.S. commonwealth island, according to this Washington Post report.
The governor, Anibel Acevedo Vila, "was indicted with four Philadelphia donors to his campaigns and a Puerto Rican business owner, all of whom were alleged to be seeking favors and introductions to federal and island agencies. Seven current and former gubernatorial aides, including an administrator of the island's Washington office, were charged in the alleged conspiracy," the Post says.
Incidentally, Acevedo Vila is a superdelegate who has pledged his support for Barack Obama. In his efforts to clear his name in light of the investigations that led to these indictments, he has also employed the services of Charlie Black Jr., a prominent Washington attorney who is also a top adviser to John McCain.
I am not alleging anything improper in the McCain event. I'm just saying that it looks bad to be gathering greenbacks overseas ... and this is the reason why.