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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What's with these cheesy transition quotes and the goofy voiceover?
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The Clarion Caller
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Does Jeremiah Wright's current media tour help or hurt Barack Obama?
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The Incredibly Stupid Statements File
No. 5: "Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals."
No. 4: McCain is "intent" on driving conservatives away.
No. 3: "The magic is over."
No. 2: "They're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?"
No. 1: "If Obama was a white man ..."
Blog Archive
04/27 - 05/04
04/20 - 04/27
04/13 - 04/20
OPEC and oil prices
From the column: Iraqi information minister
From the column: More about gas prices
Someone get Howard an aspirin
'Shared prosperity'
The last question
The First Amendment
Using former presidents
Gas prices
Affirmative action
Second Amendment
Capital gains
McCain and taxes
The American Flag
Fourth question
More Wright
Jeremiah Wright
Here it is
Vice president
Democratic debate in Philly
Reid: Democratic race will end 'very soon'
Gas prices
The biggest child-welfare case in American history?
Sex offenders and the presidential campaign
Caption contest
'It's Obama, stupid'
Monday head-scratcher
Wow ...
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Jennifer Foster
Two words: Grad school.
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