That's the headline under which a Scottish newspaper (aptly called 'The Scotsman') reports that it's just a matter of time until "Democrat grandees" Jimmy Carter and Al Gore team up to deliver the bad news to Hillary Clinton: For the good of the party, it's time to drop out.
The story notes that the recent string of missteps and mistakes by the Clinton campaign, beginning with the "I-was-nearly-shot-to-death-by-a-sniper-in-Bosnia" flap and including the conflict-of-interest concerns surrounding demoted former strategist Mark Penn, have simply put too many holes in the hull of the Good Ship Hillary for it to remain seaworthy, and if Clinton can't -- or won't -- see it, party fathers are now ready to point it out to her.
Combined with reports that the campaign is now too short on money to even pay the bills for campaign events, "These issues have undermined Clinton's claim to be more 'electable,' with her own stormy campaign contrasting with the disciplined control of Obama's organisation," the story notes.
As for how Hillary will be confronted:
A number of options are being considered by the higher echelons of the Democrats, but they fall roughly into two categories. One is for Carter and Gore to go to Clinton privately and ask her to step down. The other is for both men to appear in public and endorse Obama -– a move which would see a majority of superdelegates go with them.And if Clinton still refuses to drop out and insists on maintaining her death grip on the superdelegate theory, party leaders seem willing to arrange an early showdown:
The campaign to force Clinton to make an early exit is being masterminded in Congress, home to the most influential of the superdelegates. Senate Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have called on superdelegates to hold an unofficial congress in early June to anoint a winner, rather than waiting for the convention in Denver.Once again, everything for Hillary Clinton rides on a win in Pennsylvania. But as she's shown before, most recently with Ws in her self-described firewall states of Texas and Ohio, she's often at her best when her back's against the wall.
... In other words, watch out, Obama.
Read the rest of the Scotsman story here.