As we await poll closures in Pennsylvania (and the presumptive call of the state for Hillary Clinton), as promised, here are the top 10 celebrity endorsements for Barack Obama, courtesy of the Huffington Post:
10. Jennifer Aniston: The former Rachel Karen Green gave $2300 to Obama's campaign.
9. Robert De Niro
8. Chris Rock: Gave $4600 to Obama's campaign.
7. Samuel L. Jackson: Gave $4300 to Obama's campaign.
6. Scarlett Johansson
5. George Clooney
4. Ben Affleck: He and wife Jennifer Garner hosted a Hollywood fundraiser for Obama in March.
3. The "Kennedy women:" Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, daughter of President John F. Kennedy, and Maria Shriver, his niece, have campaigned for Obama.
2. The curiously named, lead singer for the Black Eyed Peas.
1. Who else -- Oprah Winfrey. Obama is the first candidate the talk show maven has endorsed in her 25-year career, and she's made it worth her while; she hosted a $3 million fundraiser (as in, it cost $3 million to put on) for Obama at her California home.