Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Homeward bound

Good morning, readers,

There was snow in Kansas City last night and it's a "balmy" 21 degrees here, but there's nothing cool about what's going on between the Democratic presidential candidates today.

The hottest political news centers around the controversial release by Hillary Clinton's campaign staffers over the weekend of a photo of Barack Obama wearing traditional African garb during a trip to the continent in 2006. There is tremendous fallout from the move, which Clinton herself denies having known anything about in advance. The barbs have flown between the camps since Saturday as the candidates' surrogates have seriously ramped up the rhetoric, and it sets up the potential for a NASTY debate tonight in Cleveland.

Brave yourself for television anchors to deliver unavoidable and annoying clichés that will tie the winter storms in the Midwest to the political "storm" brewing in Cleveland.


Whatever tonight's debate will be, I guarantee this: It won't be boring! Look for national press traveling with the candidates to do their best to pour fuel on the fire between now and the debate at 8 CST.

I'm in the airport in Kansas City awaiting my flight home. I'll post when I get settled back in Auburn, which should be late afternoon.

So it promises to be one of those news-heavy days. I hate to turn off my phone and lose access to the news for three hours! Thank goodness XM makes POTUS '08 a free channel ... I can catch up on the way home from Birmingham!
Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.