President Bush delivered a report to the National Governors Association today on the "Quiet Revolution," his administration's efforts to support faith- and community-based organizations with federal funding increases.
If you haven't heard about the "Quiet Revolution," you're not alone. But it isn't for the government's lack of trying.
Here are some eye-popping facts and figures on the effort, from a blog by the Baltimore Sun's Mark Silva:
In 2006, a voluminous report from the White House today finds, the government distributed $2.18 billion to faith-based organizations delivering social services around the country -- a level of annual spending on this initiative that the Bush administration had reached a couple of years ago. And in 2006, the government distributed $12.56 billion to not-for-profit organizations. All told, some 15,000 secular groups and 3,000 faith-based groups benefited.
You can read the rest of Silva's post here , or check out the government's Faith-Based and Community Initiatives home page (and read the report itself) here.