I was turning in as the results from Hawaii started coming in. In case you missed it, Obama whipped Clinton 76 to 24 percent. The win was not unexpected; Obama spent time in Hawaii during his childhood. (Come to think of it, that's at least the third state to which he's claimed some personal connection: He was born in Kansas, he spent part of his childhood in Hawaii and he serves as a U.S. Senator from Illinois. Maybe he's trying to keep up with Hillary: Born in Illinois, former first lady of Arkansas, now a U.S. Senator from New York. Five down, 45 to go ...)
Anyway, there's no doubt about it: Obama has Clinton on the ropes. Last night's results make wins in the March 4 contests in delegate-rich Ohio and Texas absolutely critical to Clinton's hopes for survival.
Here's a good primer on why the Clinton campaign is feeling -- well, blue this morning: